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Debt errors, inaccurate data on your debt, and reporting mistakes about your loans can have a dramatic, negative effect on your credit score. The same holds true for late debt payments, charge-offs on debt, and loan collection accounts. A low credit score will make it difficult for you to get a credit card, personal loan, car loan, or home mortgage. The good news is that you can fix your credit score so that you can get everything back on track in your credit life. You can do this on your own. However, there are unique credit repair benefits you can access when you enlist the help of a professional credit repair service.
Credit Repair Services Handle Everything
Dealing with financial difficulties causes stress, and the process of fixing those problems can add another layer of stress to the situation.
Our credit repair company offers the following services:
Credit Report Review
Preparing Letters to Credit Bureaus
Contacting Collection Agencies
Disputing Negative Items
Negotiating Payoffs
Recommending Other Actions
Negotiating a Debt’s Interest Rate and Terms
Getting Your Payments Lowered
Having a Debt Dismissed
Negotiating a Discount Payoff
Stopping Collection Actions
Initial Consultations and Evaluations
Practical Debt Relief Advice
Updates on Your Credit Repair Process
Answers to Your Credit Questions
Credit Repair Services is run by the team of Dennise Williams, MBA (Banking & Finance), Approved Financial Counselor of the Office of Insolvency and Delroy A. Josephs, MBA (Finance). The combined 50 years financial experience guiding clients through financial decision making is now focused on Credit Repair. Our mandate is to be the premier Credit Restoration service in Jamaica to negotiate better terms on behalf of our clients.
Key Points to Remember About Credit Repair
Fixing your own credit is an option. And any ethical credit repair company will tell you that.
If your situation is simple, and all you have are an obvious error or two, you may want to try a round of credit repair on your own.
It can be difficult to navigate the complex world of the credit industry yourself, especially when it comes to disputing negative information on your credit file.
Don’t expect results overnight. Credit repair takes time and requires regular credit monitoring and a change in how you approach your personal finances.
It's never a bad idea to consult with a credit expert if you're unsure of a law or any methodology regarding credit repair and credit services.
Dealing with debt also goes hand-in-hand with taking a closer look at your spending habits and finding ways you can fall back and save.
The credit repair process is lengthy and requires patience, especially if you have a sizable credit history.
If you do enlist the services of a reputable credit repair company, such as Credit Repair Services, you can cancel the service at anytime.
Educate yourself on your rights as a consumer.
Credit Repair Services can help you to make sense of the debts you have and give you a clear, simple path to managing them.
Here’s how we help:
See how the debt is structured
Assess the impact on your cashflow
Examine debt consolidation for affordablity.
Analyse interest rates and make sure they’re competitive.
Develop a plan to reduce debt more efficiently.
Use tools to help you stay in control of your money.
Show you strategies to become debt free.